New and exciting things this year!
- Turned 5
- Sold condo in Utah
- Moved to Las Vegas, NV
- Went camping in Goblin Valley and had a small mishap with fire ants
- Traveled to Disneyland
- Went to San Francisco for a family vacation
- Lived with Grandpa Tanner in West Jordan, UT for a few weeks
- Lived in a motor home for about a month
- Took my training wheels off my bike
- I help Dad make leather bracelets and clay figurines
- Moved to Portland, OR
- Went to Oktoberfest
- Started kindergarten
- Watched my Aunt Chelsa run in the Portland Marathon
- Had a Halloween party in out new house
- Made Christmas cookies with Mom
- Had Christmas with my Aunt Chelsa and her family for the first time ever